
Genuine Chevrolet

Dallas/Fort Worth based car club specializing in First
Generation Camaros (1967-1969). Started in 1991, the club currently has
over 300 members.
Our Club |
NTC is a very low pressure fun club. We have no elected officials or mandatory monthly meetings
like many of the more serious clubs. We meet informally at shows, cruises, major events (Hot Rod Power
Tour, etc), and mostly discuss cars and possibly tell a few lies.
Our Membership |
NTC averages around 300 members a year.
Our club has members with a variety of interests. Some have restored their vehicles to factory original condition.
Others have significantly modified their cars with superchargers or by adding a Pro Street back-half.
We welcome anyone with an interest in 1967 to 1969 Camaros.
Ownership of a vehicle is not a requirement of membership.
Have a question? Send us an email at info@northtxcamaros.com.
To Join NTC |
First, click here to create an On-line account or print and fill out a membership application from below.
Once your account has been created you can pay for you membership via the PayPal link below or you can mail in a check or money order along with a completed application to the address listed below.
Please make your checks payable to our Treasurer, Bob Senich. Once your payment has been received your account will be
activated and you will be added to our email list.
North Texas Camaro Club officially supports 5 events:
- Kick off meeting - informational
- Annual Picnic (we buy the food)
- Wrap up meeting - informational
- Dyno Challenge (we buy awards and snack)
- Toys for tots cash donation from the Club treasury
The use of NTCC coordinator
does not imply endorsement for any business or member. It is merely a logistics effort to arrange for NTCC participants to collectively
make shows/events that may have several folks interested in attending. Should any member associated with NTCC mention any type of service
or retailer it is simply a personal recommendation and in no way reflects the opinion or endorsement of the NTCC. A member’s past
experience with a product or service provider is no guarantee of any future experience but simply one’s personal experience. Each NTCC
member should do their own due diligence before they agree to have any work done with any business, NTCC member owned or non-member owned.
Click here for the printable
membership application. After printing the application, complete, and send to:
North Texas Camaro Club |
c/o Brian LaRue |
PO Box 160 |
Aubrey, TX  76227 |
Don't forget to include a check for $20 made payable to Bob Senich.
The $20 annual dues gets you access to the
member section of the website that includes
a monthly newsletter. You are able to
post for sale / wanted items on the website
for 60 days at a time for free as a member. It also gets you listed in our e-mail
communication group (if desired) for
questions, discussions and communications of
interest to club members.
We usually have a driving cruise in the
Spring and another one in the Fall. We
have a club picnic in the summer (club buys
the food). We sponsor events for club
members, ie: dyno challenge, mini-power
Texas power tour, Red Line raceway trip, and
other generally fun stuff.
We hope you will consider joining the North
Texas Camaro Club.
NTCC Vinyl window stickers (7” x 2.5”) $10.00 : Come in Chrome and several other colors.
Email: shawn.moran@verizon.net about check or PayPal options.